Platform for The People

I. Constitutional Integrity & Government Accountability

We believe the Bill of Rights is essential protection promised to all Americans.  We support state’s rights and protection from federal overreach. We support the right to free speech, free association, and freedom of religion. We support the right to bear arms and the right to a fair justice system. Our party will work to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights by opposing restrictions that diminish Second Amendment rights and religious freedoms and by demanding accountability for government employees who abuse their power, violate the rights of citizens, or use their offices to pressure companies to censor speech. 

We believe in the separation of powers. We support Judicial reform to take partisanship out of the justice system. We support jury nullification allowing citizens to act as a counter to bad legislation and abusive prosecution. We will work to bring transparency to the court system allowing open recording and public viewing. 

We believe voters have a right to know what their government is doing. We support efforts to increase government transparency. We will work to create independent review boards and implement blockchain technology to track government spending and activities. 


II. Medical Freedom and Integrity

The We The People Party champions individual liberty in all aspects of life. We believe that every person has the right to make their own choices, especially concerning their health. We stand for medical freedom, informed consent, and body autonomy. Our party will work to remove liability protections for pharmaceutical, biological, and chemical industries along with medical institutions. 

We oppose government-mandated healthcare policies such as mandating the administration of unproven vaccines and water fluoridation. Our party will work to promote holistic medicine and farming practices. Furthermore, our commitment to health policy reform extends to addressing corruption in biomedical and scientific publishing. 


III. Economic Freedom & Financial Reform

We The People Party supports a free-market economy that minimizes government intervention while ensuring fair competition. The abolition of the Federal Reserve and property tax reform are central to our economic vision.  Our party will ensure that working-class Americans are not overburdened and will work to simplify individual income and corporate tax codes. 

The We The People Party is committed to breaking up corporate monopolies, re-evaluating licensure regulations, and ensuring that economic power is decentralized. We support balancing trade and the strategic use of tariffs. We also endorse addressing the Jones Act, which impedes free trade.


IV. National Sovereignty & Anti-Interventionism

We are dedicated to preserving America’s independence and security. To that end, we must keep foreign countries from owning U.S. land and critical assets. We stand against providing foreign aid that erodes America's economic strength and incites international conflict, leading to further global destabilization. We The People Party calls for ending foreign entanglements and interventionist wars. We believe in giving each State the right to protect American soldiers from being sent into conflicts without Congressional authorization through legislation like the Defend the Guard bill. We will also secure our borders and implement a “tall fences, wide gates” policy to ensure that immigration and trade processes are humane and fair. 


V. Political Reform & Anti-Corruption

The We The People Party aims to restore faith in the US government by dismantling corrupt practices and ensuring that public servants act with integrity by realigning incentives to promote accountability to the American people. We believe free and fair elections must include real choices. Our party prioritizes overturning Citizen United and stopping the flood of money that corrupts our electoral processes. We advocate for election reform. Our party will work to make ballot access attainable, prevent lawfare that undermines the political process, implement voter identification laws to ensure electoral integrity, and eliminate gerrymandering of districts that unfairly benefit entrenched political parties. Moreover, our party favors open primary and general elections along with rank-choice voting as mechanisms to ensure the election of the most popular candidates. 

We stand for preventing the aggregation of unchecked power within any office or individual. Our party therefore will work for term and employment limits for all government members whether they are elected, appointed, or hired. Our party also recommends forbidding the trading of securities while in office.  Furthermore, our party supports the ending of pensions and special privileges for government officials along with discouraging employment as a lobbyist for 5 years after leaving office.  We also support the geographical balancing of power, and our party will work to move the capital of the United States to the center of the country and closer to the American people. 


VI. Social Mobility & Community Growth

We believe in empowering people and their consent-based communities. We support school choice to give families control over their children’s education. We support charities and community-driven social issue solutions that tackle addiction through legalization and recovery programs rather than punitive measures. We support affordable housing initiatives that make homeownership accessible to all. Our party will work to eliminate unconstitutional zoning and land use laws that limit individual property rights, stifle community growth, and block pathways for the poor to climb the ladder of opportunity.


VII. Reinforcing America’s Workforce & Civic Engagement

The We The People Party is committed to rebuilding the American Dream by empowering the middle class and creating a robust economy that rewards hard work. Our goal is to restore the middle-class workforce by realigning regulations and incentives to promote sustainable local economic prosperity and embrace emerging industries such as cryptocurrency, cannabis, electric mobility, robotics, and aerospace. We understand that a thriving workforce requires the availability of quality childcare. Our party will work to increase the child and dependent care tax credit and ensure the well-being of our children. Moreover, we recognize that college isn’t for everyone and support vocational training and apprenticeships as viable paths to success. Our commitment to strengthening America also extends to emphasizing civics education and promoting internships at every level of state government from local mayoral offices to governor, legislative, and judicial chambers as ways to ensure future generations understand the gravity of self-governance. 


VIII. Coalition Building

The We The People Party will seek cross-party endorsements and coalition-building efforts from all spheres of the political landscape believing that true reform requires working with any individual who is committed to liberty, fairness, and the restoration of American values.


IX. Political Integrity

The We The People Party believes it is essential to elect representatives that will put the people they are elected to serve first. Such representatives must strictly adhere to the Constitution they have sworn to uphold, remaining accountable for and transparent in their actions. We seek to elect politicians who refuse to vote solely to gain financial or other benefits from special interest groups and lobbyists and believe these individuals should vote based on the needs of their constituents, not in pursuit of political power.


X. Environmental Responsibility

Our commitment to environmental stewardship is rooted in a vision for a healthier planet that can be enjoyed by future generations. We recognize that environmental responsibility begins with holding corporations accountable for their pollution and ecological impact. Companies must be made to bear the true cost of their environmental footprint, especially when their activities degrade air, water, and soil quality. We prioritize initiatives focused on the responsible cleanup and management of industrial waste, ensuring that contaminated sites are restored and that communities are safeguarded from harmful pollutants.

In the realm of agriculture, we support the widespread adoption of regenerative farming practices that enhance soil health, biodiversity, and the ecosystem. Regenerative agriculture not only restores depleted soils but also helps to sequester carbon, mitigating the effects of climate change. We stand firmly against the use of toxic chemicals and unsustainable farming practices that pose a threat to the environment, wildlife, and human health. We advocate for policies that incentivize farmers to adopt safer, sustainable methods, ensuring that our food production aligns with a commitment to ecological harmony.

The We The People Party is dedicated to protecting our natural landscapes, waterways, and public lands from reckless development and exploitation. We believe that green spaces, rivers, lakes, forests, and open lands should remain preserved for the enjoyment, health, and well-being of all. By promoting responsible land management and conservation, we aim to ensure that these invaluable resources endure and thrive, providing a legacy of natural beauty and biodiversity for generations to come.